If you prefer to pay by internet banking, click PayPal button to complete registration. We will contact you via email with our Westpac bank details.
IMPORTANT: Please only click button ONCE and do not hit your browser's Refresh button otherwise your booking may be registered multiple times. The transaction may take a few seconds to process. An automatic email will be sent back to you confirming your new membership number and password which is used to book events as a member. If you do not receive this email, please look in your junk e-mail folder. If our Melbourne Social Club registration email has still not arrived, please contact us by email. Please ensure that our email address info@funff.com.au is in your safe list of addresses. Membership refund policy: We will offer a full refund of membership fees paid for seven days after your Melbourne Social Club membership has been received. Should you wish to cancel within 7 days, please contact us via e-mail. Please note that PayPal can process a wide range of debit or credit cards and has an option to divide your purchase into four interest free instalments. If the PayPal transaction is unsuccessful, we will contact you with more information regarding other payment options such as internet banking, direct payment into our Westpac bank account, cheque payments and also more information regarding PayPal payments.
Please note: By applying for membership of the Fun, Food and Friendship (FFF) Social Club you agree to the following terms and conditions: